Just when you were beginning to get mighty bored and irritated with all the rasm-riwaz, rona-dhona and the other usual stuff on TV, here comes a wave of refreshment with MAHI WAY.
As always, it's Sony who acts as the Savior. Mahi Way is refreshingly different than anything that has come up so far on Indian Television. It revolves around an overweight and adorable girl called Mahi Talwar.

She is bubbly, witty, intelligent and funny; however , the constant jokes and insults have demoralised her and she's low on self-confidence. A lover of Mills &Boons, DDLJ,shoes of all sizes and kinds, and obviously, food, Mahi is a character almost every girl can relate to.
The story is definitely not unique, just the same run-off-the-mill stuff: A girl dreaming of her Prince Charming, the Prince turning out to be not-so-charming and dumping her after some "fun", and finally the entry of the Mr. Right.
But the show has managed to garner a loyal fanbase and is rapidly gaining popularity because of it's refreshing and unique characterization, dialogues and presentation- simple, yet realistic
For once, and thankfully, the female lead is no saint; she's not ready to sacrifice her life for others, and guess what, she has a CAREER! Also, all the characters speak and behave like normal people, which is very refreshing, and there is no big talk about morals and life and stuff.
Credit must be given to the director(Nupur Asthana) and the writer (Devika Bhagat) for this unique manner of presentation.
As it is , it is the simplicity, the lack of OTTness and the absolute lack of "perfect" characters, that endears you to the show.
All over, a very nice package and very entertaining. Oh and yes, overweight people with confidence issues MUST try it out!
So if you're a couch potato, then you're truly missing much if you're still not watching it! Catch it every Friday at 8 P.M.!!!

wen's it cumin backkkk?
missin it sooo much
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