Arjun Bijlani, the lovable Mayank of Miley Jab Hum Tum, was born on 31st Octobar,1982(Star/Zodiac Sign:Scorpio). He ventured into ads and modelling and made his television debut with a cameo in the popular TV show Remix on Star One. Soon after he rose to popularity with Left Right Left, where he played a good-at-heart drunkard Alekh. But his claim to fame is undoubtedly the role of Mayank in Miley Jab Hum Tum.
There is a growing rumour that he is dating Sanaya Irani, his co-star from both LRL and MJHT, but both have always denied the existence of such a relationship.
Catch Nishant Malkani a.k.a Adhiraj's Latest Pics here!!!
Further Reading: Biographies,
MJHT Biographies
wat "wotever"....
dont understand....!
yeh right i don't believe this rati is much better than sanaya
hey guyz!!!
kool_nyonica has posted on india-forums bout dis article and got ur expectations really high!!!
bt the truth of the matter is , as i stated in d article, that it is JUST A RUMOUR!!!
they've never stated anything on dis topic in any of their interviews!!!
so maybe its true, maybe not. bt the way they go around saying they're "really close friends" and keep chatting only 2 each other on the sets(sbs, guyz!!!) is very worth-gossiping!!!
rumours can be true, they can turn out to be false. Like Mohit Sehgal's rumoured daughter didnt exist after all. On the other hand, the rumoured exit of Shilpa Anand from DMG did happen(sob)!!!
so lets keep our fingers crossed!!
and i think arnaya are more cute than arti and monaya!!!
and ya one comment on india-forums said:
"Its a gossip site..you cant really rely on it"
hey plz!! i spend hours of tym surfing net and reading even most sleep-inducing chat transcripts to find full-on true info!
and i never said "they're dating" .... i clearly mentioned "growing rumour" and "buzz is that"
moral of d story is : u can rely on Telly Gossip, buddy!
and yeah, thnx kool_nyonica!
traffic rocketed!
this rumour will ruin the trp of mjht .fans of mjht will not accept anyone else then nupur as she is very close to their heart . mayank and nupur chemestry is so good that at times it is difficult to say that if they are acting or they really love each other.
hey, i respect ur views...
bt i thin ure wrong.
what if dis rumour is true? shud they stop going out coz "mjht will be ruined!"
all this speculation is baseless....mjht is where it is becoz of its story and amazing actors, nd der personal lives hav no impact on its trps, whther gud or bad.
nd who d hel are fans to decide who shud arjun bijlani date? wat do u mean by "dey wil not accept?" dey dont hav d right to accept or reject...
fans can decide and affect the fate and love life of mayank, nupur, gunjan and samrat but not of arjun, rati, sanaya, and mohit.
nd im sure loyal fans of mjht will never stop watching d serial for dis sort of a stupid reason!
nd ill solve ur difficulty....they're acting, its not real, dat chemistry!
jst give more details of m.j.h.t
plz tel me wat details u want and i will add them...
Can some provide me with arjun bijlani's home address? Thanx :)
even i desperately want ab's address i mean postal address......................................i m bekakrar ...dyin 2 meet him
Sanaya is Mohit girl friend.
How can he date with Sanaya?
Arjun(Sona) will definitely get a better girl than Sanaya.
Best of luck Arjun(Sona)
No way monaya r infinite times cuter than arnaya
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