It seems that this is not just another harmless little rumour. Read this:
Shraddha Nigam and Karan Singh Grover’s marriage has ended on a bitter note; a divorce is on the cards.
Karan has moved out of their Andheri flat where he was staying with Shraddha after their marriage, (and is believed to be living with Sanjit Bedi.)
A close friend of the couple says, “Shraddha is simply not interested where Karan is these days. She doesn’t even call or message him.”
It was entirely Shraddha’s decision to part ways with Karan. She did not even tell her parents before calling off the relationship. Her parents are deeply upset about their daughter’s marriage having gone wrong.Shraddha is soon going to file for divorce and has already appointed a lawyer. “The faster she gets out of this, the better. The marriage ended on a very ugly and messy note,” adds the couple’s common friend.Shraddha and Karan’s relationship ran into rough waters when Karan started dating Nicole, his choreographer, who he met on the sets of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 3. Karan’s attraction towards the choreographer refused to die down. A source says, “The choreographer is a very ambitious girl. She now aspires to take part in a beauty pageant.”
Karan was also dating many girls from the glamour industry. In fact, last week too, one of Shraddha’s well-wishers called up to inform her about Karan’s latest fling. Shraddha simply told her friend, ‘F*** it, yaar. Don’t increase my pain.'
“Shraddha can’t understand why Karan did this to her. Has he got carried away because he is doing a film or is it because he still has a huge female fan following even though he is not single any longer? It is very sad that Karan did this to Shraddha. In fact, Shraddha was not so gung-ho about getting married. It was Karan who chased her and convinced her parents that they should get her married to him,” says their friend.Commenting on Shraddha’s whereabouts, the friend says, “Shraddha has not moved back to her parents flat at Seven Bungalows. She is still staying in the same apartment where she used to stay with Karan. At the moment, she is devastated but she is a brave girl. She will soon collect herself and get back to work. She wants to start afresh but she will never forgive Karan.”
On this whole issue, Shraddha said, “I don’t want to speak about this.”
(in blue:source:dillmillgayye20)
Stay tuned for more updates on the issue!
greattttttttttttttt.statrt dating jenny or shilpa[ur first love]
this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great.............................keep sending these type of new,,,,,,,,,,,,,great work
very bad...
good for ksg !!
shilpa anyway doesnt deserve karan!! he is tooo gud to be hers!!
so, gud dat dey r parting!!
d first gud thing karan did is dat joined dil mil gaye n d second gud thing he did is dat he dumped shradha.she really doesnt deserve 2 b ur better half
thats not gud of destroying a girl's life v.v.v bad...
amm people r so mean...
that no good karan ko kitni taklif ho rahi hogi
i always knew it!karan was too juvinile to settle down!he's still a bachha..to immature 4 a serious relation..feel sory 4 u shraddha!u'll find a real man sumday.best luck!!
jenny is perfect 4 u karan... love u
Are all you guys just stupid or taking drugs?.... This Chauvinistic Pig chases Shradha asks her to marry him and then cheats on her?!?!
And all you bafoons congratulate him and say "good for KSG"....seriously you people are so stupid!
You guys are so sprung up on him as a celebrity that his terrible personality doesn't even cross your judgement. Seriously get a life you losers!
oh my god karan wi did u do like tat to shrada u married her and she is ur wife na and wi again dating when u r not a single person now..divorce is not soluton for problems...no matter tat u r popular u should care about ur relations and whom u love....i really lost a good opinion i have on u....time is not yet over so i hope u will recognise now ur fault and take a stand....plzzz karan dont do this...to shrada... and plzzzzzz take divorce back....and make us happy....u r deserving actor so its time to prove u r a caring husband tooo tats wat i feel i hope u will regain our fans love
Thz iz not good 4 both of them......... jst hope 4 the best 4 both karan and shradha.....!!
gr8 news!!!!!!!!!!
all r mad...
karan is a shit.. whe wont get real love ever again..
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